• REITs – Small writeup

    REITs are pooled investment vehicles that own, operate real estate assets products. Like mutual funds own stocks, REITs own a collection of real estate assets in a portfolio. Units in this portfolio are then sold to investors through a public offer. Once the REIT lists, unit holders can buy or sell the units at the…

  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Entrepreneurship

    Assess the Advantages of Entrepreneurship Many people see significant advantages in owning their own businesses. Some of the biggest advantages include the following. 1. Entrepreneurs are their own bosses. Nobody tells an entrepreneur what to do. Entrepreneurs control their own destinies. 2. Entrepreneurs can choose a business that interests them. Entrepreneurs work in fields that…

  • Will be back soon..

    Hello All, Thinking of reviving my blog again as have some free time, was busy with family and kids. Really heartening to see the blog still getting visitors and people reading my blog. I will start publishing soon maybe in a months time, I do have all my notes and documents still archived with me…

  • Types of Listening

    There are four types of listening 1. Appreciative Listening In appreciative listening, we seek certain information which will appreciate, for example that which helps meet our needs and goals. Appreciative listening is exactly what you would expect.  It involves listening to music that you enjoy, people you like to listen to because of their style…

  • Traits of a Good Listener

    Whether you’re in a meeting with your boss, sitting in a lecture or trying to ace a job interview, what you hear is almost as important as what you say. How you hear is even more important. 1. Being Non-evaluative The verbal and non-verbal behaviour of an active listener will suggest to the speaker that…

  • Phillips Curve

    An economic concept developed by A. W. Phillips stating that inflation and unemployment have a stable and inverse relationship. According to the Phillips curve, the lower an economy’s rate of unemployment, the more rapidly wages paid to labour increase in that economy.   Phillips conjectured that the lower the unemployment rate, the tighter the labour…

  • Advantages of HRP

    Human resource planning can be defined as the process of identifying the number of people required by an organization in terms of quantity and quality. All human resource management activities start with human resource planning. So we can say that human resource planning is the principle/primary activity of human resource management. The process of HRP…

  • Factors Affecting Scheduling

    The factors affecting scheduling can be broadly classified into two categories: Internal factors – which affect from within the organization External factors – those affect from outside the organization Internal Factors Affecting Scheduling Followings are the internal factors affecting scheduling: Scheduling depends on how much stock of finished goods is kept by the company. Most…

  • Features of International Business

    The nature and characteristics or features of international business are: 1. Large scale operations In international business, all the operations are conducted on a very huge scale. Production and marketing activities are conducted on a large scale. It first sells its goods in the local market. Then the surplus goods are exported. 2. Integration of…

  • Importance of International Business

    The points below highlight the importance of international business: 1. Earn foreign exchange International business exports its goods and services all over the world. This helps to earn valuable foreign exchange. This foreign exchange is used to pay for imports. Foreign exchange helps to make the business more profitable and to strengthen the economy of…